Traffic Signals and Traffic Control
AMAV has vast experience in planning urban traffic signalization and control systems. We specialize in planning priority intersections for mass transit and the creation of a “green wave”, highways traffic signals and temporary traffic signals, writing and authorizing procedures on different levels, and more. AMAV acts as an inspector of traffic and traffic signalization planning for local municipalities, the ministry of Transport, Trans-Israel Highway and National Roads Authority (Netivei Israel).
Priority Traffic Signals, Ashdod
AMAV was in charge of planning and executing 20 traffic signals that incorporate an active public transport priority on the BRT route in Ashdod, as part of the Ashdod Green Wave project; and 15 additional regular traffic signals in different execution stages of the project.
The planning included building a systematic plan for the entire project; detailed planning including engineering arrangements at the relevant intersections; planning designated detectors plans to prioritize public transport; and planning and programming schedules which match these arrangements.
The planning was done for the Ashdod Municipality, supported by the Ministry of Transport. Project management for Ashdod Municipality by Waxman-Govrin-Geva.
Priority Traffic Signals, Nesher Metronit
In 2015-16 AMAV oversaw a systematic planning of 16 traffic signalized intersections along the Nesher Metronit route, including a priority for the Metronit line in Nesher. It was part of the extension of Metronit lines to Nesher, a preliminary phase for planning traffic signals that include public transport priority and set the planning features needed for planning and operating public transport priority traffic signals.
The planning includes demands distribution and setting traffic volumes for planning, planning a comprehensive traffic management set along the route, identifying and mapping the alternative routes that need handling within the project, and building a plan for traffic management around the project.
The planning was done for Yefe Nof Ltd. Haifa
Givat Massuah Intersection
AMAV was the planner for this project, that included cancelling roundabouts on Kolitz st. and turning them into signal-controlled intersections. The project was promoted by Moriah Jerusalem Development Corporation, with the aim of completing an alternative traffic artery from/to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital to/from Southwest Jerusalem after the Ora-Massuah roadway.
AMAV planned the traffic arrangements and traffic signalization, on top of planning roadbuilding and adjusting drainage facilities to an existing drainage system due to the geometric change at the intersection. Our work included planning final traffic arrangements, traffic signals, temporary traffic arrangements and execution phases.
Naomi Shemer Tunnels, Mount Scopus
AMAV planned Mount Scopus roadway which nowadays acts as a new entry point to Jerusalem from the east (Ma’ale Adumim and the Jordan Valley). The project included a pair of tunnels, about 600 meters long, with 2 traffic lanes in each direction, and traffic signals connected to creats a “green wave” around the Wadi al-Joz and Aharon Katzir intersections. Among else, our work included writing a procedure for closing and opening the tunnels in emergencies, a prismatic and variable message sign system, control traffic signals, barriers, and planning and connecting HaZetim Interchange at the eastern end of the roadway.